Ȩ Ұ ̱б ⺸谡Խû ܱ⺸谡Խû û

    : ̱ ౹ ó Ҽ ִ ǰ Ʈ
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2008 3 25
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ó Ҽ ִ ࿡ غҽϴ...

Ͻð ᳪ ġ񺸴 ξ δϱ ̸ ñ ٶϴ...


ƴ ܿ ߰ ø ޾ֽñ ٶϴ~

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* ȳϼ AIG л ̽¿ Դϴ. 2008⿡ ñ ٶϴ. ̱ ó ϽǼ ִ ǰ ˷ 帮ڽϴ.


  ó(prescription) ʿ CVS, RITE AID, ECKERD ౹̳ ۸, īƮ  ִ.


  ۸ ʿ pharmacy, prescription̶ ִ ǰ 밡 ִ. ü ִ .

      1. First Aid:óġ

      2. Foot needs:߿ Ǵ ͵.

      3. Laxatives:ȭ,

      4. Antacids:()

      5. Cough & Cold:ħ,

      6. Pediatric Care:Ҿƿ

      7. Analgesics:

      8. Eye Care:


  (Multi-Symptom cold)

     ڿ Allergy, Cold, Flu ࿡ ´ ִ. Tylenol, Robitussin, Dimetapp, Contac, Triaminic, Pediacare, Sudafed Plus.


  ħ (Cough)

      Robitussin-DM, Allergy-Chlor, Trimeton , Tavist


  ؿ, (fever, Analgesics)

      Aspirin: Bufferin, Ecotrin Ibuprofen: Advil, Motrin Acetaminophen: Tylenol Naproxen: Aleve


  , ξ (Sore throat)ü, ִ.Cepastat, Chloraseptic


  ڰ (Nasal Decongestant)\r\nPseudoephedrine: Sudafed, Neo-Synephrine, Afrin ȿ ִ ̴ 3 ̻ ϸ ڸ ȭȴ.


  ๰, ä (runny nose)ַ Ÿ(Antihistamine) ̴.Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton Allergy Actifed


  Ծ (Canker Sore Prod)Giloxide, Anbesol, .Tanac, Cank-aid ,Ora-je CSM


  (Headache)Bayer Aspirin, Tylenol(Extra Strength)




  , (Antacids)Zantac 75, Mylanta, Maalox, Phazyme, Tums, Pepcid AC, Rolaids Tagamet HB Beano(helps prevent gas), Lactaid


  䰡 Emetrol: ÷̶ ̿Ե . Dramamine, Marmine, Calm-x: Ÿΰ , ֹ(car sick) . Pepto-Bismol, Bismatrol : 䳪 翡 ´.


  (Laxative)Stool Softner : Colace, Citrucel, Fibercon, Metamucil, Phillips' fiber caps Stimulant Laxative :Fleet, Dulcolax, Senokot, Milk of Magnesia, Ex-lax, Colace(glycerin suppositories)

  , Ÿڻ, ᵥ (sprain, bruise)Liquid epsom salt(minor sprains and bruises)Bengay, Arthricare, Menthacin, Salonpas(Ϻ Ľ)


  (Anti-itch)Cortaid, Cortizone 10 : ׷̵ ũ Benadryl, Caladryl: Ÿΰ ũ,gel Band-Aid(calamine spray):poison Ivy/oak/Sumac() Domeboro(Aluminum Acetate)


  Desitin, A&D Ointment


  Move Free


  (Althelet feet) , ũ, Ŀ 3 ִ. Desenex, Micatin, Lamisil


  ó ҵ Isopropyl Alcohol:տ Neosporin Ointment, Polysporin Ointment,Band-Aid Plus :Antibiotic(׻ۿ ִ)Hydrogen Peroxide :ȭIodine, Betadine solution:Antiseptic


  Ⱦ (eye care) : Visine ɰ糪 Ƿο : Opcon-A, Naphcon-A, Vasocon


  縶 ž (Wart Remover)Wart-off, Compound W, Vergo


  Ǻΰ, ܿö̳ ̸ Ǻΰ ƴ. Ư Ǻο ˷ ȯ ִ ̴ μ̳ 񴩸 ȿ ִ. . Cetaphil Lotion(liquid soap, bar soap ִ), Eucerine



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: ҵ Medicaid 50 states ȳ (Ȯ)
: ؿ ü ǷẸ ȳ