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 Bloomfield College   迡 ؼ ξϴ


General Information about your Health Insurance

What is the PPO Network? A Preferred Provider Organization Network is a list of doctors that your plan has preapproved.
IN PPO PLAN LIMITS: Physician Office Visits -100% of reasonable expenses after $15 copayment per visit.
Outside PPO PLAN LIMITS: Inpatient Hospital Services, Hospital and Physician Outpatient Services 100% of reasonable expenses after $50 copayment per visit.
PRESCRIPTION: Students will pay for the prescription and then submit a claim form for a 50% reimbursement.
Your Health Insurance coverage begins on the first day of classes.
Your Health Insurance for the spring term will cover you during the summer.
TIP: Since you do not have dental or optical coverage, its best to take care of this when in your home country.






1.ᰡ $1,008 δ

2.IN PPO $15 δ ִ

3.Outside PPO $50 copayment(δ) ִ

4.ప 50% ȴ



DBغ躸谡Խ δ





Health Insurance

For J-1 Students: According to J-1 visa regulations, all students, scholars, and their J-2 dependents are required to have health insurance that meets the following requirements set by the U.S. Department of State:

1) Major medical benefits must be at least $50,000 for each accidental illness.

2) The repatriation benefit must be at least $7,500.

3) Medical evacuation must be covered for at least $10,000.

4) The deductible for each accident or illness may not exceed $500.

5) The policy may not unreasonably exclude coverage for perils inherent to the activities of the exchange program.


For F-1 Students: F-1 international students that live in Bloomfield College housing are required to purchase health insurance through Bloomfield College. The cost of health insurance is $1,008 per year. A registered nurse or doctor is available in the Health Services Office during the academic year. The college doctor will prescribe medication if need be. If a problem exists that lies outside the Health Services level of service, you will be referred to a local doctor covered on the insurance plan. For urgent, after-hours health care needs that do not require emergency room treatment, students may visit the Immedicenter.





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