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Pima Community College ̱бPima Community College
Ȩ л, ȯ, ýĮ, Ʈ, ⱹϽô ݰ е ϽǼ ִ Դϴ.
Ͻø û ۼ ֽðų ̸ ֽø ˴ϴ.
ǽð Ͻø MSN ȭ ߰ ֽø ܱ ô Ǹ ϽǼ ֽϴ.



Do I have to purchase health insurance at Pima Community College?
All Pima students are required to have health insurance. If you have your own insurance from your home country and it will cover your medical expenses here in the U.S. , then you do not need to purchase health insurance from Pima.



Pima Community College ȸ 󳻿

 LewerMark Copay Plans





1,Copay δ ִ

2. Non-ppo(º) ġ 80%

3.޽ 湮 δ

4.Ÿ.ప δ




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   1. ( ִ ȯ̳ ü ġ ˻縦 ߻
   2. ӽ, õ
   3. ܼ ǰ ˻縦 ϴ (÷ ˻ ǰ
   4 . (б н Immunization

5. Ű ȯ/ൿ

6. HIV()

7. 񴢱(ΰἮ)

8. 񴢱 ȯN39 Ǵ DZ