California College of the Arts |
̱бCalifornia College of the Arts |
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Ȩ л, ȯ, ýĮ, Ʈ, ⱹϽô ݰ е ϽǼ ִ Դϴ. Ͻø û ۼ ֽðų ̸ ֽø ˴ϴ. ǽð Ͻø MSN ȭ ߰ ֽø ܱ ô Ǹ ϽǼ ֽϴ. |
California College of the Arts ǥԴϴ
Insurance Provider
б |
DBغ |
Lifetime Maximum
$50,000 |
Unlimited |
$50,000 |
$50,000 per Sickness or Injury |
δ |
Student: $75
$0 |
Family: $225
PPO: 80% |
100% |
NPPO:50% |
100% |
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Ⱓ δϴ ݾ)
PPO $4,000 (º)
δݾ100% |
NPPO $8,000
Prescription Drug
Up to $2,000 per year |
δ |
(Annual) |
Student: $1,792
Student: $480
Health Insurance Waiver ?
Ͻð Ǹ ݵ waiver ϼž б Ͻ ʽϴ. waiver ǿ ս ˴ϴ
I wish to waive the CCA Health Insurance. I am covered by an alternate health insurance policy. My waiver for the Fall 2009 term will also apply to the Spring 2010 term unless I provide written notification* to the Student Accounts Office by the end of the second week of the Spring semester. In order to waive the CCA Health Insurance Fee, this section must be completed on or before 9/11/2009 for a Fall 2009 term waiver and 1/22/2010 for a Spring 2010 term waiver.
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1 . (谡 ִ ȯ̳ ü ġ ˻縦 ) 2. ӽ, õ 3. ܼ ǰ ˻縦 ϴ (÷ ˻ ǰ ) 4 . (б н Immunization )
5. Ű ȯ/ൿ
6. HIV()
7. (ΰἮ)
8. ȯN39 Ǵ DZ |