American University |
̱бAmerican University |
| |
Ȩ л, ȯ, ýĮ, Ʈ, ⱹϽô ݰ е ϽǼ ִ Դϴ. Ͻø û ۼ ֽðų ̸ ֽø ˴ϴ. ǽð Ͻø MSN ȭ ߰ ֽø ܱ ô Ǹ ϽǼ ֽϴ. |
American University ǥԴϴ
Insurance Provider
Harbour Group |
DBغ |
Lifetime Maximum
$250,000 |
Unlimited |
$250,000 |
$50,000 per Sickness or Injury |
$250 per policy year |
$0 |
When an Insured suffers a Loss from an Injury or Sickness, We will pay the covered medical Expense up to the maximum benefit, after the Deductible (see Definitions) is met. After the Deductible has been met, the policy will pay 80% of Expenses to the maximum benefit of $250,000
100% |
Ambulance Expense
maximum of $350. |
maximum of $20.000 |
Outpatient Diagnostic X-ray and Laboratory Expense
maximum of $1,000. |
maximum of $50,000. |
(Annual) |
Student: $1,670
Spouse/Domestic Partner: $6,725
Each Child:$3,900
Student: $480
Spouse :$480
Children:$480 | |
1. (谡 ִ ȯ̳ ü ġ ˻縦 ) 2. ӽ, õ 3. ܼ ǰ ˻縦 ϴ (÷ ˻ ǰ ) 4. (б н Immunization )
5. Ű ȯ/ൿ
6. HIV()
7. (ΰἮ)
8. Ǵ ȯ ΰǰ Ƿ |