1. δ: Deductible δؾ ϴ ٴ ǹմϴ.
Student : $150 per policy
2.ప δ ־ Ҹϴ.
3. 100% ˴ϴٸ ѵ Դϴ
߿ , Ϲ ȣ Ÿ
, ˻, X - , , ( ) Ǵ
Ǿǰ, ġ $100,00 Ϸ $800 ˴ϴ ,
Կ ȯڿ Ͽ 25%
δϼž մϴ
The Company will pay 80% up to $5,000 of Usual and Customary Charges for each Injury or
Sickness. After the Company has paid $5,000, payment will be increased to 100% of additional
Covered Medical Expenses up to the Maximum Benefit of $100,000 for each Injury or Sickness.
Benefits will be paid up to the Maximum Benefit for each service as scheduled below. Covered
Medical Expenses include:
ȸ ø $5,000 80% ǰ ̻
100% ȴٴ κԴϴ
б ᰡ δٴ ؼ õ
Ǵ ִ 1 ظ ֽϴ |