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Utah Valley University ̱бUtah Valley University
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Utah Valley University



International Students


International students are required to submit proof of insurance prior to admission to UVU. However, often the insurance they have does not cover any health care expenses in the United States. We encourage international students to obtain health insurance that provides coverage while living in this country..




The Requirement As an Exchange Visitor in the United States you must carry health insurance for yourself and your J-2 dependents for the duration of your J program. Government regulations stipulate that if, after that date, you willfully fail to carry the required health insurance for yourself and your dependents, your J-1 sponsor must terminate your program and report the termination to the United States Information Agency (USIA) in Washington, D.C. –22 CFR 514.14 (h) (i).






1. A deductible of no more than $500 per accident or illness

2. Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per accident or illness

3. Repatriation or remains in the amount of $7,500

4. Medical evaluation to home country in the amount of $10,000

5. May require a reasonable waiting period for pre-existing conditions

6. May require 25% co-insurance per accident or illness

7. Shall not unreasonable exclude coverage of perils inherent to the activities of the exchange program

8. Must be underwritten by an insurance corporation having: a. an A.M. Best rating of A- or above b. an insurance solvency international (ISI) rating of A- or above c. a Weiss Research, Inc. Rating of B+ or above d. a Standard & Poors claim paying ability rating of A- or above









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1. deductible ( δ )

2.Copayment ġ δ )

3. δ ִ









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